Channel: Answers by "blueFire"
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Answer by blueFire

I tried modifying the code to the following: IEnumerator StartLoadingLevel() { Debug.Log("starting download"); var download = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(adventureLocation,5); yield return download; if (download.error != null) { Debug.Log(download.error); } Debug.Log("successful download"); var bundle = download.assetBundle; yield return bundle; string tempName = adventureLocation; tempName = tempName.Substring(tempName.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); Debug.Log("building"); BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle(tempName, "Assets/" + tempName,BuildTarget.Android); Debug.Log("starting level"); Application.LoadLevel(tempName); } But I got the following error messages: Assets/Scripts/menu.cs(67,31): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle(string[], string, UnityEditor.BuildTarget)' has some invalid arguments Assets/Scripts/menu.cs(67,31): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `string' expression to type `string[]' I then tried the following code: IEnumerator StartLoadingLevel() { Debug.Log("starting download"); var download = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(adventureLocation,5); yield return download; if (download.error != null) { Debug.Log(download.error); } Debug.Log("successful download"); var bundle = download.assetBundle; yield return bundle; string tempName = adventureLocation; tempName = tempName.Substring(tempName.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); Debug.Log("building"); var levels : String[] = ["Assets/" + tempName]; BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle(levels, "Assets/" + tempName,BuildTarget.Android); Debug.Log("starting level"); Application.LoadLevel(tempName); } But I got the following error in the editor without being able to press the play button: Assets/Scripts/menu.cs(67,28): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `:', expecting `)', `,', `;', `[', or `=' I go the last example from: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/BuildPipeline.BuildStreamedSceneAssetBundle.html Jason

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